Something that replaces reality with its representation. Jean Baudrillard in "The Precession of Simulacra" defines this term as follows: "Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance.

On Going Pursuit (as of 2023)


A Holistic Systematic Deconstruction of AR/VR/Metaverse

Drawing from Jean Baudrillard's seminal work, 'The Precession of Simulacra,' simulacra expands this direction, pondering the profound implications of a world where 'simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance.' Our explorations transcend mere technology; they delve into the metamorphosis of reality itself. Here, the representational facades crafted by AR/VR become as significant as reality, challenging the very essence of simulation and perception.

Recent Publishings

Virtualist and Physicalist

Codec Avatars, Replicas, Identity, and the The Uncanny Valley Effect

The Next Big Wave


Dreaming and Full Dive VR

Reducing Reality

Computationalism and Reality

The Simulation Hypothesis


Full Dive Virtual Reality (FDVR)

XR: Extended Reality Foundations

Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality


My Poetries


Immersive Experience

If you find any erratas, please do let me know about it @ [email protected]


"The Ultimate Display" by Ivan Sutherland (1965)

A pioneering concept where, computer scientist, Ivan Sutherland, proposed the idea of a virtual world that could be experienced as "real."

Here, Sutherland engineered a device known as “The Sword of Damocles”, the first ever head-mounted display in 1968. As the device is bounded to its nickname, due to the fact it required a large overhead beam required to support its weight.

My Calling Card

I'm Jerald (he/him). Welcome to my Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Metaverse blogs. I like to think holistic when it comes to these emerging technologies. Going down the core components and how these are interwoven together, often growing some sort of chaotic emergence, akin to how life emerges in Game of Life by some sort of simple rules. These blogs are primarily geared towards myself as a way to store my knowledge

Here, I like to write about research about Human-Computer Interactions, primarily revolving around both academic and industry progress, and as well as philosophical aspects about this technology and how we can use such VR/AR/Metaverse are able enhance our everyday lives. These blogs were orchestrated during the beginning of 2018, and was first publicized ~2019. It was initially started with Augmented Reality implications of immersive and scalable education for school institutions, and was expanded to philosophy, theory, practice, and applications of all things related to simulation and reality systems.

This website devotes all my written talks about our next-gen computing platforms.

View my main platform:

This leads to another platform where I discusses a wide range of topics related to artificial intelligence. These discussions encompass theory, practice, and applications of AI, covering areas such as philosophy, GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence), and data-driven systems, both theoretical components revolving around symbolic logic, probability & statistics, matrix calculus, statistical learning theory, etc. to practical methodologies such as implementing theories and practicable techniques through quick hackable scripts to functional and object-oriented programs to applications of some sort of domain [theory → practice → application]

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